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I'm a regular guy who pretends to be a harmless crackpot from time to time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I read an article this morning, one of a growing list of "gloom and doom" articles that seem to be popping up more often these days.

Getting lost in the political rhetoric is the freight train of global catastrophe that will not stop just because we choose to ignore it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A "Crash Course" to reality.

I feel it's necessary for people to check out this website chrismartenson.com. If nothing else, check the the "Crash Course" under the "Learn" tab. It'll probably scare some people, annoy some people, and otherwise make people wonder why they even bothered COMING to my blog. But it's pretty unbiased and doesn't make INVENT any info. It basically uses the government's own data (charts, graphs, etc) against them.